
Wednesday 2 March 2011


As you can probably tell I find the hardest part of writing blog posts is coming up with titles.

No more progress on the skirt yet I'm afraid, but that should be coming very soon - thanks for all the encouraging comments. Burda actually made up a version in a pinstripe in the magazine so I can't take any credit for that idea if it comes out well or any debit (?) if it does turn out to be a big X marks the spot on my backside as one commenter pointed out!

I've just returned from a trip to Europe - visiting friends in Germany, in-laws skiing holiday in France and a quick stopover in Amsterdam en route back to Hong Kong. I've only skiied once before and am both terrible at it and pretty terrified of it, so I was quite proud of myself for getting through 5 days on skis. Unsurprisingly I found Europe absolutely freezing so off the slopes my fake fur coat got plenty of wear.

Taken by my husband in The Alps, I didn't get anywhere near as high as this!

More my style - chocolate shop window in Chamonix.

By a canal in Amsterdam.

Ok, now to get back to the skirt and then I can really think about sewing for spring. I ordered some new Vogue patterns which arrived while I was away so I will add these to my seemingly ever growing list of projects-to-do-one-of-these-days.


  1. Olá, é bom ter você de volta. trouxe algum tecido da viagem?


    Eilane - Brazil

  2. Oh, nice, looks like a great trip. I've been looking at some of those patterns, too.

  3. ENVY!!! What a great sounding trip.

  4. Great photos, I have not been to Switzerland in years - lovely and the food is fantastic as I recall.
    thanks for posting your new Vogue selections, I always check your blog as you seem to sew up the new Vogues very quickly - very handy to rely on some of your feedback :)

  5. oooh, looks like a nice trip! And I like the Vogues you featured. I am impressed with your skiing :)

  6. I can relate to your predicament, I too find it very hard to come up with clear, concise titles for blog posts.
    The fur jacket looks great on you!
    I'm looking forward to seeing your what you'll create with these lovely patterns.
    Do you have a special filing system, so you don't forget or loose the patterns?

  7. That looks like a great trip. And may I say that I love the picture with the chocolates best:)?

  8. Allison, you just came back from a ski vacation on the Continent? Looks like it was fun despite the cold.

  9. Looks like a nice holiday. I have the first Donna Karan dress pattern. I just love it and am looking forward to seeing what you make of it.

  10. Thank you for sharing your ski photos --- I'm with you about the chocolate shop! Your faux fur looks absolutely fabulous! It is great that you were able to make use of it on your trip!
