
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Mojo Gojo

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Happy New Year of the Rabbit!

Well the complete lack of posts here tells you everything you need to know about my creativity levels at the moment. I'm not entirely sure why, we just had a long weekend here to celebrate Chinese New Year which, while very welcome, always throws me out of a routine. I also think I am feeling between seasons at the moment and not in the mood for making either winter or spring clothes.

My McCall's top is done but looking very boring without any sleeves, ruffles or embellishments, but I just haven't been happy with anything I have experimented with so for now it will have to stay boring.

It makes me feel a little down that I seem to have neither the will or skill to create anything, I hope it passes soon. Meanwhile thank goodness there are still plenty of great bloggers out there to fill gaps!


  1. Inspiration is cyclical. So don't worry about it and relax. Whenever I'm stuck at a particular project I find it better to just leave it be and do something else. This is a great opportunity to try a different hobby or just browse the internet to see what appeals to you.
    Take care and good luck!
    Oh and gorgeous fabric choice for the McCall's top.

  2. Your top doesn't look boring, not with that great print!

  3. That is a gorgeous top.
    Perhaps you've helped my understand my own mojo confusion. After going to all the trouble of preparing the pattern, I've put my vintage coat project back on the shelf. Maybe it will appeal to me at the end of summer. For now, I think my subconscious is looking towards spring.
    Happy New Year - my daughter celebrated the Lunar New Year in Hong Kong. If her Flickr pictures are any indication, she had a fantastic time and Hong Kong is just amazing. I hope I get to see it myself some day.

  4. Sadly it comes to us all every now and again. Don't stress about it. I usually tidy up the very bottom of my stash, re-orgaize pattern and notations and somewhere along the way it comes back!
    Your top looks pretty and elegant, not boring at all.

  5. It will return! I just finished my coat and can't think, other than cleaning my sewing room, what to sew next. I don't want to sew winter either, but it's too cold to sew spring yet it seems.

  6. All creative people go through slumps. Eventually the desire to sew returns. Your top looks great. Not everything in the closet needs to be a statement piece.

  7. That top is pretty to me!! We all go through phases where we are uninspired. Right now I am on an ispiration high, but just last year I didn't sew for about a month because I had no mojo. Just give yourself a rest and it will come back. You are so talented and I just love to see what you make.

  8. Happy New Year! Perhaps the rabbit isn't into sewing? But seriously, cute top. I don't think it needs anything more.

  9. I don't think that your top looks at all boring! That fabric is so lovely that it speaks for itself - a simple style really shows it off.

  10. Oh, take a break and enjoy it and don't feel guilty. The mojo always comes back.

  11. Oo... I actually love the top, too! Don't worry... you definitely have the skills to create sometimes you just need to take a little break. :)

  12. That fabric is beautiful and it will look so good with your Hot Patterns Razor Sharp Pants. Have you tried it on with them and a jacket, or cardigan? Alone, the top is gorgeous and as a part of your wardrobe, it will become a workhorse.

    Enjoy your time off from sewing! We'll all be celebrating your next finished object, whenever it comes.

  13. I like to the top as is. If you think it needs something, then maybe it needs a fabulous necklace! Once you pair it with the other pieces and the right accessories, it will look great.

  14. Happy New Year! I'm feeling the in-between season mood, too. But don't hesitate. You will find your mojo back soon. But i have to disagree with you in one point: Your top looks gorgeous. I think the print of the fabric is eye-catching enough. I like it!

  15. Happy New Year Allison! I bet Hong Kong is gloriously colourful at the moment. Inspiration comes and goes doesn't it and the change of season is always a bit hard to negotiate - much easier to be sewing things for your upcoming warm weather when it IS warm weather. I'm having that feeling re Aussie winter - bit hard to think about making coats when it is boiling.
