
Sunday 7 October 2018

BurdaStyle 5/2018 - 114 Tie Front Sheath Dress

I've had a run of making skirts lately and should probably now switch to tops so I have whole outfits that I can actually wear, but no instead I decided to make a dress!

This is quite a basic sheath dress and I decided to make it in some of my bargain stretch cotton twill fabric.  There is very little to say about the construction honestly.  I cut a size 40 and then basted the side seams until I was happy with the fit.  I should have done the same with the sleeves as they are a little tight on me.  My fabric was stretchy enough that I didn't need to add the split at the back seam.

5/2018 - 114

Looking at the line drawing I see I'm supposed to knot the tie which I haven't done in any of these photos, oops!  My fabric is not at all slippery so it stays tied like this.

There are no facings, instead the dress is lined to the edge.  I lined just the bodice with a scrap of printed cotton.  If I'd had enough fabric I would have just drafted a neck facing I think, it feels odd lining such a casual fabric even though the dress looks quite...dressy!

I've found that uploading photos is so much easier from my phone than my camera.  The quality is not as good (time for a new phone!) so apologies for the slight blurriness, but I'm hoping this will help me get through my blogging backlog faster!


  1. Love that tie! It adds a very eye catching detail to an otherwise plain dress. The color is a favorite of mine as well.

  2. A beautiful dress! It looks so much nicer than the line drawing suggests. Lovely fabric color too!

    "...then basted the side seams until I was happy with the fit."

    So THAT'S what I should be doing to get a better fit... :-)

  3. I think this dress is so pretty in that colour. Its quite unusual. Not quite a pink nor a purple.

  4. Perfect dress and the tie does take it away from plain. The colour is lovely on you and I like your furry onlooker.

  5. Beautiful dress! Love the color and the "surprise"lining ,fun!

  6. Beautiful! And who says you have to tie your belt exactly as the pattern picture?

  7. This looks so great on you! The color and style are so fun, as are the secret flamingos.

  8. Wonderful and that lining would make me smile non stop!

  9. I adore that you make the most of the construction (bodice being lined) and use the best lining fabric accordingly. The waist tie is also a gorgeous detail showcased by the outer fabric. Overall a beautiful dress inside and out, as always with your creations!

  10. I totally love the lining! It’s a beautiful dress. The colour and fit are so pretty.

  11. لكي تقوم بنقل اثاث منزلك بامان وبدون خدوش لابد ان تقوم بالاتي :
    فحص الأماكن القديمة والجديدة:
    قم بفحص موقع النقل القديم والجديد لضمان توفر الوصول والسلامة أثناء عملية التحميل والتفريغ.
    تفريغ وترتيب:
    عند الوصول إلى الموقع الجديد، قم بتفريغ الأثاث وترتيبه وفقًا للخطة المحددة مسبقًا.
    فحص الأثاث:
    قم بفحص الأثاث في شركات نقل العفش بالقاهرة بعد التفريغ للتأكد من عدم وجود أي تلف خلال عملية النقل.
    تخزين إضافي إذا لزم الأمر:
    إذا كانت هناك حاجة لتخزين الأثاث لفترة مؤقتة، فتأكد من اختيار مستودع آمن ومناس

  12. يزيد تغليف الأثاث عند نقله من مستوى الأمان والسلامة خلال عملية نقل العفش ، حيث يقلل من فرص الإصابة أو التلف الناتج عن الحركة غير السليمة للأثاث وفي حالة الأثاث الذي يحتاج إلى تفكيك، يمكن أن يجعل تغليف القطع منفصلة عملية التفكيك أكثر سهولة وتنظيمًا وفي حالة الحاجة إلى تخزين الأثاث لفترة مؤقتة، يساعد التغليف في الحفاظ على سلامته وحالته لفترة أطول.
