I am still plodding along with the jacket so thank you for the encouraging comments! However I wanted to make a couple of quick tops before the end of the year, so with the bargain knit fabrics I bought recently I tried two new BWOF knit patterns. Both are black so I have lightened the photos so you can see the details.
BWOF 11/2006 - 116
This is made from cotton sweatshirting. It's incredibly quick and easy to make. The collar is cut on so you need to be aware that the wrong side of the fabric will show. My fabric was ribbed on one side so I turned my seam allowances outward and serged and zig zagged for a sort of coverstitch finish to make it look intentional (it wasn't!). I normally avoid sweatshirts as they make me look like a shapeless blob but the shaping and fit on this one are great. If you have this issue and are wanting to justify all that cupboard space the back issues take up I highly recommend trying it out.
Edit : Thanks to Melissa who has pointed out that Burda have released this pattern as 7890 in case you don't have the back issue.

BWOF 11/2008 - 103A
Another fairly simple top, provided you make sure that you sew your front bands to each other at the centre front to make one band rather than trying to attach them separately like this ninny did at first. You can see from the magazine photo that the neckline on this one is very low so on a less model-like figure (especially post Christmas!) I knew this would be far too low without some alterations. I raised the neckline and also took the shoulder seam in - probably at least 2 inches in total in the end.

I've found it so interesting reading through everyones reviews of their sewing year. Back in last January when this blog had just started I set some sewing goals - lets see how I did.
1) Keep up with this blog, recording all my projects successful or otherwise. I think it will be interesting to look back over the year and see what I have achieved.
- Well I'm not going to win any prizes for frequency of blogging, but I've definitely kept it up and I've really enjoyed the process.
2) Make a piece each month from BWOF, unless I hate everything in an issue obviously
BWOF 11/2008 - 103A
Another fairly simple top, provided you make sure that you sew your front bands to each other at the centre front to make one band rather than trying to attach them separately like this ninny did at first. You can see from the magazine photo that the neckline on this one is very low so on a less model-like figure (especially post Christmas!) I knew this would be far too low without some alterations. I raised the neckline and also took the shoulder seam in - probably at least 2 inches in total in the end.
I've found it so interesting reading through everyones reviews of their sewing year. Back in last January when this blog had just started I set some sewing goals - lets see how I did.
1) Keep up with this blog, recording all my projects successful or otherwise. I think it will be interesting to look back over the year and see what I have achieved.
- Well I'm not going to win any prizes for frequency of blogging, but I've definitely kept it up and I've really enjoyed the process.
2) Make a piece each month from BWOF, unless I hate everything in an issue obviously
- Erm no, I started the year well and it's gone a bit haywire for the recent issues. To be fair this is because it's been hot here until a few weeks ago and I just can't get excited about making fall/winter clothes when I am wearing summer dresses. Here's the rollcall for 2008;
Jan - 3 patterns. 120 blouse, 116 wrap top, 127 pencil skirt
Feb - 3 patterns. 113 dress, 117 coat, 103 dress
Mar - 2 patterns . 105 skirt, 117 blouse
Apr - 2 patterns. 107 jacket, 116 dress
Jun - 2 patterns. 121 skirt, 105 shirt
Oct - 1 pattern. 114 top
Nov - 1 pattern. 103 top
3) Make something, anything, from the Patrones magazines my Spanish sister in law has been kindly sending to me.
- Well I've got my feet wet by making a few simple patterns, definitely something to build on next year. Slideshow Link
4) Complete a co-ordinating summer mini wardrobe or collection. My sewing tends to be a bit random and while I am not ready for a full blown SWAP this will be a good introduction to better planning.
- I completed a mini wardrobe for a PR contest this summer and in addition made quite a few summer basics that I've got a lot of wear out of. In my heart though I know I will always be a bit of a haphazard sewer and I've decided that's OK, as long as I am enjoying it.
- I completed a mini wardrobe for a PR contest this summer and in addition made quite a few summer basics that I've got a lot of wear out of. In my heart though I know I will always be a bit of a haphazard sewer and I've decided that's OK, as long as I am enjoying it.

I'm off on holiday in Australia tomorrow for a week so let me wish you all a very Happy New Year and a happy and healthy 2009.