Thank you everyone for the brilliant comments which really helped me make up my mind about what to sew next. I will show you those plans in my next post because it seems even just writing down how I was feeling helped kickstart the old sewing mojo and I whipped up a top for the holidays.
Don't worry I haven't abandoned the Burda 11/11 dress, in fact stepping back from that helped me realise that all my problems came after setting in the sleeves - which are a little tight so I think they are pulling the bodice out of whack- so I am going to take them out and the dress may well end up sleeveless.
Anyway here is my holiday top, using the blue sequin jersey I bought recently. I used a simple BurdaStyle top that I have made before (08/2009 - 117) and modified it so the front was cut on the fold and I ignored the front slit and ruffle. I also took the top in at the side seams since the original pattern is designed for a non stretch fabric. I chose this pattern because I already had it traced and I wanted something with as few seams as possible, but any TNT tshirt or top pattern should work.

I know that this is not the generally accepted correct way to finish seams on sequin fabric, but I didn't want a 2 hour project to become a 2 month project and I think what I came up with, after a bit of experimentation, works really well.
There are two issues with the seams on sequin fabric
- finishing the seam allowances so you don't shed sequins everywhere you go
- stopping the sequins on the inside from scratching the skin
For the side and shoulder seams I cut strips of cotton jersey and just sewed them over the (fingerpressed) open seam allowances. I did shake off the sequins that were easy to get off first (warning: you will get bits of sequins everywhere!)
For the straight arm openings and hem I also used strips, but applied them as hem facings them flipped to the inside, topstitched and trimmed the raw edge of the cotton jersey close to the topstitching. I used a similar method for the neck edge, but cut shaped facings instead of strips.
I knocked this up on Saturday afternoon and wore it that night with dark jeans and heels. It was the perfect thing to wear for a casual party and I got many compliments so I think this one will get a bit of wear this holiday season.
These Saturday night photos are a little dark, but you can see the sparkles, and yes one of my cats also makes an appearance again.
Me at the party with a living statue (bit nervous he'd get make up on my top!). |