
Friday, 1 March 2013

BurdaStyle 12/2012 - 112 Dress

This was the cover dress from the December 2012 issue, I am a sucker for these kind of draped details and funny shaped pattern pieces so it went on the seemingly ever growing list of things to make.

This pattern was the sewing course for the month so it has (relatively) detailed instructions and diagrams.  While this was pretty helpful, I did get the impression that whoever wrote the instructions started off very detailed and then either got bored, ran out of time or ran out of space.  This is a 3.5 dot pattern which Burda describes as "Advanced level sewing, with special features", but a lot of space is devoted near the beginning to putting in an invisible zip, which even if you didn't know how to do is pretty generic and can be looked up easily.  Then you follow lots of diagrams which suddenly go from a picture that vaguely resembles a dress front to one that looks completely finished!  Still I did manage to follow it - I think - so I shouldn't complain too much.

This is a tall pattern, but it was too difficult to figure out how to alter the bodice so the only changes fit wise I made were to the sleeves which were extremely long and tight (I just swapped them for another Burda sleeve) and to leave off the hem allowance on the skirt pieces.

I must admit I was pretty ambivalent about this dress, verging on disappointed even until I put it on and took the photos below.  This is one of those rare garments that I feel looks better in photos than in real life - it would really benefit from a lining, but drafting one to fit is a bit beyond my skill level / patience threshold.  My fabric is a poly crepe which has the right sort of drape, but still feels a bit flimsy without a lining.

Hemming this was a challenge, I used the hem marker attachment on my dressform for the first time ever and it turned out OK so if nothing else I discovered something useful.  I just did a narrow machine hem on the skirt - I'm going to go back and do the same on the sleeves which currently have a hand hemmed finish but it isn't as smooth and invisible as I'd like.

Despite all these picky points, I think the dress will grow on me, I just need a gap between finishing it and appreciating it!


  1. ZOMG woman this is awesome! You managed it *in spite of* Burda instructions-you are a Master! It looks great and that colour really pops with those shoes-Good on you!. My finest quality *method* of putting in a lining when making one is too hard-place finished front and back over stretch satin and cut out stretch satin with 0..25 cm more seam allowance everywhere except the neck. Sew front and back together for lining and insides (separately) then sew lining to dress right sides together at neck, flip over, press, topstitch, hem keep fingers crossed nothing bad happens-blam! XD Or, if in doubt, wear a slip. XDXD
    Seriously though, this is one fine dress and it looks great on you.

  2. Hello, lovely dress, congratulations.

  3. It's awesome, it fits you wonderfully.
    Wear it and blush at all the comment you will get!
    If ever it doesn't grow on you, find it a good home, because this dress needs to be worn.

  4. I love your dress! It looks fantastic. The color and style are super flattering on you.

    Also, I just finished one of those "needs to grow on me" projects (I will post to my blog once I get pictures taken) so I know how you feel right now. Maybe with time and a little distance from the sewing machine we will both be able to appreciate our handiwork a bit more...

  5. I actually like your version much more than the original. It's gorgeous!

  6. WOW! Beautiful dress! Looks incredible on you!

  7. Wow! Your dress looks even more pretty than the same in BurdaStyle! I wish I'll sew it soon:)

  8. I love it! This could come on my "ro do" list... It fits you super...

  9. You look beautiful in Red Allison, just stunning

  10. I think your dressnis beautiful on you! Much prettier than the model.

  11. It does look fabulous in the photos! If it needs a lining, would just wearing an old fashioned slip work?

  12. beautifull dress. I love it!

  13. Love the interesting folds and drapes. I think it looks wonderful on you!

  14. Beautiful dress!! Looks fantastic on you and the color complements you nicely.

  15. Let it grow on you, it looks fantastic.

  16. I agree with the others - the dress looks fabulous on you. This is such a great color on you.

  17. I too like your version better than the original. It a lovely colour.

  18. This looks pretty amazing on you.

  19. Well that looks great in the photos, so I really hope it grows on you! Love the colour and the style.

  20. This looks AWESOME on you! I love the red and the fun draped detail.

  21. Fabulous. This is the best version I've seen of this dress

  22. Love it! I totally refuse to believe that it might not look as good as in photos - such a gorgeous dress simply couldn't look bad! I hope you'll finish all these little things and enjoy it as much as us, all readers, do.

  23. Your dress is gorgeous, you look amazing.

  24. Hangs beautifully. A lovely dress!

  25. You look stunning in lucky Chinese red. Nice touch with nude court shoes--like the Duchess of Cambridge.

  26. like you I cannot resist a twist/drape front dress - very pretty.

  27. Your dress runs rings around the inspiration picture and looks great on you too.

  28. I don't think this looks better on the mani than in real life. I think you look gorgeous and agree with everyone else. The colour is perfect the shape and drape work perfectly for you. I hope you decide to keep it :-) and wear it.

  29. This issue is the latest to arrive in Australia and I've been looking at your dress pattern. Love your version, but can see what you mean about the sleeve hem.

  30. Gorgeous dress, despite Burda instructions. You are a master!

  31. I also am a fan of this type of draping this pattern I liked him on sight in the magazine, now viendotelo you how well you've been I'll make sure. I love the models do'm a follower of yours for a while but this is the first time I make a comment on your blog.

  32. I loved this when I saw it in the Burda Magazine, but you know in that red I think your version top's the magazine cover.

  33. Wonderful! The knot really makes this dress, and you pulled it together nicely.

  34. It's lovely! The red is perfect, and the draping flatters you very well.

  35. The color and style of this dress look wonderful on you. It is high on my "to sew" list, but I am agonizing over the weight and drape of the fabric to use. It was helpful to learn that you used a poly crepe.

  36. I love it, I think it is a zillion times better than the Burda version and it definitely looks fabulous on you, that colour!

    I enjoyed your description of the instructions, so very Burda, we can all relate.

  37. Your dress looks fantastic. I hope it grows on you.

  38. This does look gorgeous in the photos! Love you in red. I read through the instructions a couple times because I was very into the address (tummy disguise and biking width? sold). But dang, they looked impossible. Kudos to you for puzzling through!

  39. The dress looks great! I love the style but noticed it was a "tall" pattern and thought it would be too difficult to alter. Now I want to make it!

  40. How did I miss this dress?! It's stunning! You look amazing in red and this dress is drop dead gorgeous!

  41. When i saw this pattern in the magazine i didn't think much of it. Bad fabric & photo. But how pretty your version is! I would love to make something similar but in a purple fabric.

  42. Well you are right - this dress looks fabulous in the photos. I can't imagine that you would be disappointed but I know the feeling of something not being quiet as I expected. At any rate I think this dress is beautiful on you!

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Beautiful dress. I hope you grow to like it more. You look gorgeous in red.

  45. This BurdaStyle 12/2012 dress looks absolutely stunning! I love the fabric choice and the way you've tailored it. The fit is perfect, and the detailing really makes it stand out. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring project; it motivates me to try this pattern for myself! Best Bernette Sewing Machine for Quality Crafting in 2025
